Pride month reminder to employers on protected characteristics
June is designated as ‘Pride Month’ and seems as good a time as any for employers to be reminded of their general obligations regarding protected characteristics and discrimination in the workplace. Pride Month is dedicated to raising awareness of the concerns facing the LGBTQ+ Community as well as encouraging inclusiveness and celebrating LGBTQ+ culture. This is the 20th anniversary of ‘Pride Month’ since the initiative was set in place by US President Bill Clinton in 1999. It is a month intended for celebration, as well as the promotion of tolerance regardless of one’s orientation. This global event highlights the [...]
€2,500 available for businesses seeking expert HR advice and training
The Lean Business Continuity Grant is worth up to €2,500 for third party consultancy costs, training and advisory purposes. Employers can avail of the voucher to seek professional advice at this challenging time from HR Team. Ensure you remain legally compliant, receive employment law advice, and implement contingency plans in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Eligible applicants will be: An Irish-owned enterprise, across any sector, with up to 50 employees. Applications must be submitted in the name of a company registered with the Companies Registration Office and incorporated in the Republic of Ireland at the time of application. Applications will [...]
Employment Law Consultancy Meeting
An experienced Employment Law Consultant will conduct a 60-minute one-to-one video conference with you to answer any bespoke COVID19 questions that you have and ensure that you are avoiding any employment law risks. At this trying time, we are committed to ensuring your organisation remains legally compliant and you are doing the best thing by your employees. Once you purchase your place, we will email the link for the one to one conference meeting. FAQs Will my questions and answers be confidential? We guarantee absolute confidentiality of your entire meeting. Will I be able to watch the meeting back? Absolutely. We will record the meeting and send to [...]
Employment Law Breakfast Briefing for Business Owners & Directors
What the briefing will cover: • How to protect your organisation against costly tribunal claims? • The Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act. • The importance of a Contract of Employment and Employee Handbook. • Unfair dismissal. • What to expect from a WRC (Workplace Relations Commission) audit? Date: Thursday, March 12, 2020 Time: 8:45am – 11:00am Admission Fee: Complimentary This event is exclusively for business owners and directors
Top tips for TUPE
When a business changes ownership there is a multitude of complexities that the new business owner must deal with. Quite often employment legislation is left to last and this can be a risky strategy as employees are protected under TUPE (Transfer of Undertakings, Protection of Employment) legislation. We have witnessed a huge increase in organisations requesting guidance with TUPE year on year. This is partly due to the recognition by smaller organisations that TUPE legislation is not only the preserve of multinational companies. TUPE can apply regardless of the size of the business. Organisations would be best advised to seek professional [...]
Minimum wage increase reminder from HR Team
Employers in the Republic of Ireland should adjust pay rates to include the statutory minimum wage increase on January 1, says HR Team Managing Partner Breda Cullen. The statutory minimum wage per hour has increased from €8.65 to €9.15. Ms Cullen said employers must implement the relevant changes in their payroll departments. "It's important that employers are aware of the increase in the minimum wage. We would urge all employers to take the appropriate steps in adjusting the salaries and wages of employees to ensure that they remain compliant with employment legislation and avoid risk.” The national minimum wage (NMW) [...]
Avoid jingle hell at staff Christmas party
Tis the season to be careful - especially when hosting the Christmas staff party. Santa Clause may very well be coming to town but it’s important for employers to remember that tribunals are often tasked to rule on whose been ‘naughty or nice’ at the office Christmas do. AVOIDING EMPLOYMENT LAW ISSUES AT CHRISTMAS To avoid employment law issues it is vital that each and every Christmas reveller attending festive celebrations hosted by employers is made fully aware of the policies and procedures governing their behaviour. Employers should take steps to ensure they are up to date on what their [...]
Minimum Wage Increase ‘Bad News’ For Employers
The 2016 Irish Budget’s increase in the national minimum wage is bad news for employers in Ireland. The Dublin Government’s move to increase the national minimum wage by 50 cent next year will have serious implications for employers, according to HR Team employment law specialist Martina Cullen. NEW MINIMUM WAGE IN IRELAND She said: “A 6% increase in the statutory minimum wage from €8.65 to €9.15per hour is concerning for employers and will have a negative impact on many Irish businesses. “The change which will take effect on January 1 next year will increase overall employment costs in firms with [...]
Annual leave when sick – law change in Ireland
HR Team is advising employers to note that workers can accrue annual leave while on long term sick leave. Minister for Business and Employment Ged Nash announced recently that workers absent due to long term illness can accrue annual leave. The legislation - which came into effect on August 1 - means workers are now permitted to carry over such accrued annual leave for a period of 15 months after the leave year in question. THE WORKING TIME ACT The new legislation was put in place following European Court of Justice rulings on accrual of annual leave entitlements during sick leave. Minister Nash secured [...]
ECJ working time ruling ‘a barrier’ to business growth
A new EU ruling that travel time to and from first and last jobs of the day by workers with no fixed office should be regarded as work may have major implications for employers. HR Team Managing Partner Breda Cullen explained that the European Court of Justice ruling means many firms - including those employing care workers, tradespeople and sales reps - may be in breach of EU working time regulations. The top European court has been accused of tormenting businesses with the latest in a long line of rulings which put the squeeze on employers. HOW THE RULING IMPACTS EMPLOYMENT LAW: Travel [...]