
1708, 2023

Adapting to Remote Work – Benefits and Disadvantages

August 17, 2023|Categories: All, Performance Management|

Remote work has become an increasing trend in modern workplaces due to technological advancement and shifting economic dynamics. COVID-19 further spurred this transformation as companies worldwide adopted remote work to maintain business continuity and protect employee safety. Although remote work offers numerous advantages, including flexibility and increased productivity, it also presents certain challenges and drawbacks. In this article, we will investigate both the benefits and drawbacks of adopting remote work environments, providing invaluable insight for individuals and organisations navigating this new frontier.  By understanding these aspects, employers and employees can make more informed decisions to optimise remote work while mitigating [...]

1408, 2023

Burnout – Illness of the 21st Century & How to Prevent it in Your Company

August 14, 2023|Categories: All, Health and Safety, Performance Management|

In our modern society, work has become an integral and increasingly significant part of our lives. However, it also comes at a cost, and that's burnout. Burnout is a feeling of exhaustion and disillusionment that happens when a person is no longer able to cope with work pressures. It is becoming a severe problem for many employees in the workforce, and more companies should address it. In this blog post, we will look at the different ways in which companies can prevent burnout and how it can improve employee productivity, satisfaction, and mental health.   1. Provide a Work-Life Balance [...]

1008, 2023

What is Carer’s Leave in Ireland and why should you need to know about it?

August 10, 2023|Categories: Absence Management, All|

Carer's leave is a significant provision in Irish employment law that allows employees to temporarily leave their work to provide full-time care and attention to someone in need. This leave can last anywhere between 13 weeks and 104 weeks, depending on the circumstances. While a carer's leave is unpaid, it ensures that your job remains secure and available for you upon your return. To be eligible for carer's leave, an employee must have been employed by the same employer for at least 12 consecutive months without any breaks. The person the employee intends to care for must require constant care [...]

607, 2023

The Value of HR Advisory in Ireland – Navigating Complexity and Ensuring Compliance

July 6, 2023|Categories: Absence Management, All, Disciplinary and Dismissal, Health and Safety, Legislation Updates, Performance Management|

Human resources (HR) management is an essential component of any organisation's success. In Ireland, the complex legal landscape and rapidly evolving employment laws can make it challenging for organisations to navigate HR-related issues effectively. This is where HR advisory services come in, providing valuable guidance and support to ensure compliance with employment regulations and best practices. In this article, we will explore the value of HR advisory in Ireland and how HR Team can help your organization navigate these complexities.   Understanding the Complexity of HR in Ireland The Irish employment law landscape is highly complex, with a range of [...]

303, 2023

5 Benefits of Outsourced HR Services

March 3, 2023|Categories: All, Performance Management|

HR outsourcing refers to the transfer of management and responsibilities of certain HR functions between an employer and a third-party provider. Over the past years, there has been an increase in popularity of HR outsourcing both locally and internationally. Assume you are an online retailer. Perhaps you employ someone to keep your website and other IT infrastructure up to date. But if you want to create an app for customers, you're more likely to outsource that work than asking your employees to learn how to create an app. In the end, it requires highly specialised skills, and the stakes are [...]

303, 2023

How to Write a Redundancy Letter to Employees

March 3, 2023|Categories: All, Disciplinary and Dismissal|

Employers often have to make tough decisions. Making redundancies is one of the most difficult decisions. When making redundancies, you need to keep several things in mind. In order to avoid unfair dismissal claims and employment tribunals, you must understand the law and follow the redundancy process properly. A redundancy process carries significant risk for both unfair dismissal and discrimination claims, if the procedure is not carried out correctly. Consistency and fairness are key in the organisation’s approach. The organisation must: Have a rationale for redundancy; and Follow a fair procedure   1. Identify a potential redundancy situation A redundancy [...]

1702, 2023

What is ‘quiet quitting’ and how to manage it

February 17, 2023|Categories: All, Performance Management|

‘Quiet quitting’ is a new trending term doing the global rounds on social media and is leading to reduced productivity in the workplace. Workers are said to be ‘quiet quitting’ when they disconnect from work. Essentially, this means they show up - but do the bare minimum required. If you notice your worker’s productivity dipping, they are leaving work early, or they are no longer contributing as much to projects, they might be quiet quitting. What Can I Do If My Employee Is Quiet Quitting? If your worker still meets their contractual obligations, it can be difficult to take [...]

1702, 2023

Top 5 considerations before employing foreign nationals

February 17, 2023|Categories: All, Legislation Updates|

Top 5 considerations before employing foreign nationals Employing foreign nationals may be the solution your organisation needs to bridge a labour gap, but there are important factors you should consider before doing so. In recent years the jobs market has truly become a global market as many UK employers are hiring workers outside Great Britain and Northern Ireland. If you are considering this path, in the majority of cases, you will be seeking to employ a foreign national on a Skilled Worker Visa. Before hiring a foreign national, however, you need to be sure that you can answer yes [...]

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