

2407, 2024

How to Prepare for The Worker Protection Act (UK)

July 24, 2024|Legislation Updates|

The Worker Protection Act 2023, formally known as The Worker Protection (Amendment of the Equality Act 2010) Act 2023, is groundbreaking legislation in the UK that enhances safeguards for employees against sexual harassment in the workplace.  This amendment to the 2010 Equality Act marks a [...]

1906, 2024

Favouritism in the Workplace: How to Spot and Prevent It

June 19, 2024|All|

"Leaders who practice favouritism in the workplace have no chance to build a culture of trust." – Robert Whipple.  Favouritism and cliques in the workplace create an ambiguous environment where merit and performance take a back seat, leaving employees struggling to navigate an unlevel playing [...]

1906, 2024

Succession Planning: Best Practices to Follow in 2024

June 19, 2024|All|

Succession planning is a cornerstone of organisational resilience and sustainability. For companies in Ireland and the UK, smoothly transitioning key roles is crucial for maintaining stability and fostering growth.  HR Team, a leading HR consultancy in the region, excels in guiding businesses through the intricacies [...]

1305, 2024

The New Era of Employment Permits in Ireland

May 13, 2024|All|

Global employment is the hottest topic in the world of commerce. Ireland's comprehensive overhaul of its Employment Permit System at the end of 2023 signifies a shift in the nation's approach to fostering economic growth and talent acquisition. This extensive update, including vital modifications to [...]

2804, 2024

How to Attract the Right Talent in a Competitive Market?

April 28, 2024|All|

Amid the complexities of the 2024 job market, recruitment and the HR paper trail behind it have evolved. Business owners and HR professionals are grappling with an influx of applications, yet the challenge remains: how to sift through the quantity to find quality.  HR Team, [...]

2804, 2024

Strategies for Building and Managing High-Performing Teams

April 28, 2024|All|

Managing high-performing teams is vital to long-term organisational success. These teams, characterised by their productivity, efficiency, and innovation, are the engines that drive companies forward and overcome the complexities of a modern, fast-paced world. But what truly defines a high-performance team, and how can one [...]

2603, 2024

How to Empower Line Managers to Motivate and Communicate With Their Teams

March 26, 2024|All|

Empowering line managers to effectively motivate and communicate with their teams is essential to creating a positive and productive work environment. Employers can significantly enhance workplace communications and overall organisational success by providing line managers—those directly responsible for supervising and managing employees at the closest [...]

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