HR Team consultants provide advice via national media

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HR Team lead consultants offered expert advice across multiple news outlets regarding the impacts for employers amid the coronavirus crisis in March.

Breda Cullen and Martina McAuley provided employment law expertise live on air and in print to help answer employer’s questions in what are very uncertain times for employers.

Ms Cullen, was among a panel of experts on Virgin Media TV’s ‘The Tonight Show, a national news analysis, current affairs and politics programme.

Alongside Matt Cooper and Ivan Yates, Ms Cullen discussed pay, lay-offs and contracts of employment. Urging employers to ensure they have a “robust contingency plan” as the coronavirus crisis gathered pace in Ireland in March.

Ms Cullen also voiced her professional opinion on how deal with the emerging situation on popular Today FM current affairs radio show ‘The Last Word with Matt Cooper’.

Martina McAuley provided advice on the situation in a number of print news media.

She told The Sun newspaper: “Employers are moving to safeguard their business as they fear other events are at risk as a result of the virus spread.

She explained: “In light of the intensifying spread of coronavirus throughout Ireland in recent days, there are fears employers will suffer even greater losses in the weeks to come”.

“We have experienced a dramatic increase in coronavirus-related queries from employers.

“Advice is being sought on all types of incidences and potential situations that may arise regarding the impact of coronavirus on workplaces and workforces.”

These are very uncertain and difficult times for employers, so please do not hesitate to contact HR Team for a Covid19 support pack. UK: +44 2871 271882 Ireland: +353 1 695 0749


If you would like to listen or read HR Team’s recent advice in the media, please find links attached below.

The Tonight show – watch Ms Cullen from 18:07 onwards:

Today FM – listen to Ms Cullen’s advice from 18:50 onwards:

Read Ms McAuley’s advice here:

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