COVID-19 Health & Safety Training And Compliance Package

Preparing to re-open your organisation post-COVID-19? We’ve got you covered.

Meet Your COVID-19 Induction Training Requirements

Health and safety Induction training
Safe Team will provide your COVID-19 induction training as required by the government to include the following:
  • The latest up to-date advice and guidance on public health.
  • What a worker should do if they develop symptoms of COVID-19.
  • Details of how the workplace is organised to address the risk from COVID-19.
  • An outline of the COVID-19 response plan.
  • Identification of points of contact from the employer and the workers.
  • Any other sector specific advice that is relevant to your organisation.

This training will be provided via an online facility. Once you sign up, you will receive a link in advance of the training so that you can make it available to all of your employees.

The training will be recorded, and you will be provided with the full recording so that you can replay for any other employees that you have coming onboard.

Employees will have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the training and answers will be provided during the training.

Safe Team Post-COVID-19 Compliance Package

Our compliance package includes the following:

• A COVID-19 Safety Statement.
• Guidance on how you conduct a COVID-19 risk assessment on the premises.
• A certificate of attendance regarding the above training, with the individual employee names noted for your records.
• A bespoke consultation call (online/via telephone) with you and a fully qualified health and safety consultant to make sure you are compliant in all areas before getting up and running again.